World Bank Deliberates on Scientific Farming in Nagaland

The World Bank Visiting Nagaland

Nov 15, 2022: A 12-member World Bank team arrived in Nagaland on Monday for a five-day visit in an effort to support scientific farming and deal with the effects of climate change, officials said.

According to a senior state government official, the World Bank team, which arrived in Kohima on Sunday, has already met with Nagaland government officials.
On Monday, the World Bank team also held a meeting with the core committee and technical committee for the Enhancing Landscape and Ecosystem Management (ELEMENT) project’s implementation.

The World Bank members discussed the ELEMENT project’s overview, concept, scope, preparedness, government approvals, rationale, economic analysis, DEA readiness filter, and timelines.

Nagaland Agriculture Production Commissioner Y. Kikheto Sema, on the other hand, briefed the World Bank team on the state’s agricultural scenario and various farming patterns.

The visiting team also met with officials from the Land Resources Department and visited the GIS campus, where they met with the GIS team.

On Tuesday, the World Bank team would be divided into two groups and will visit the ‘Jhum’ (slash and burn method of farming) field in Chiechama, the Naga Integrated Settled Farming-NISF project in Boke-Botsa, the Sendenyu Community Biodiversity Reserve, the Khonoma and terrace field, the traditional agroforestry field, and biodiversity conserved areas in Dzuleke.

They would then meet with Nagaland Chief Secretary J. Alam on Wednesday to discuss pertinent issues with the environment, forest, and climate change departments, as well as agriculture and allied departments.
The team would visit the Nagaland Bamboo Mission, the Nagaland Beekeeping and Honey Mission, and the Chumoukedima Organic Market before departing Nagaland on Thursday.

The World Bank Visiting Nagaland
Photo Credit: The Sentinel Assam | The World Bank on the 5 day visit to Nagaland.


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