July 5, 2023
In Nagaland’s Chumoukedima area, an incident occurred on Tuesday evening, triggered by heavy rainfall resulting in a landslide on the Kohima-Dimapur National Highway. The catastrophe unfolded as a massive boulder descended onto the highway, leading to the crushing of three cars. The devastating event claimed the lives of two individuals and caused injuries to four others.
A video capturing the incident quickly went viral, displaying the harrowing moment when a large rock struck two consecutive cars, causing extensive damage and deformation to both vehicles. Additionally, the footage reveals another boulder colliding with a car positioned ahead of the initial two vehicles, while a nearby truck was also affected.
The cars involved in the collision were enroute to Kohima, with the entire incident recorded by a dash camera installed in a following vehicle. The injured victims were promptly transported to the Hospital in Dimapur for immediate medical attention. Tragically, one person succumbed to their injuries immediately, while another passed away during the course of treatment at the hospital.