Youtuber From Tripura Thrashed For Casting Hindu Models In Eid Music Video

Youtuber From Tripura Thrashed For Casting Hindu Models In Eid Music Video

April 26, 2023

In a shocker from Tripura, a Youtuber named Bapan Nandi was allegedly thrashed and humiliated publicly for casting Hindu models in an Eid music video.

Nandi, who hails from Udaipur town in Tripura, was thrashed by an angry mob and questioned as to why Hindu girls were cast as Muslim characters in the video.
The video of him getting assaulted was caught on video and has gone viral on social media platforms.

Meanwhile, the Youtube community along with other content creators condemned the incident and called it an ‘attack’ in an attempt of promoting communal harmony.
A case has been lodged by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad against Nandi for allegedly defaming the Hindu community.

However, Nandi claimed that he was not the producer of the video and had acted as an artiste, like several other models and content creators.

“The video was posted on my channel a day after it was released on the channel of my friend Siddik who owns the YouTube Channel called Mr Siddik. But the attacks were targeted upon me. I don’t know most of the other crew members and the cast. Each one of us was paid for acting in the song,” Nandi told a locals news portal.

Youtuber From Tripura Thrashed For Casting Hindu Models In Eid Music Video

He further said, “The elected Deputy Chief of East Gokul Nagar Panchayat called me to visit his place for some work. We know each other so I went there to discover that around 30 to 40 youths were waiting for me. The Panchayat leader slapped me, thrashed me in front of everyone there. I kept asking what was my fault and explained that the video was produced by another channel and the casting was done by him only but no one was there to hear anything. A case has also been registered against me but for what crime I don’t know.”

Moreover, the girls who had acted in the video also issued video statements saying that they had no objection to portray any character in music videos as the nature of their job demands this kind of transition in roles.


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