Baksa District Administration Launches Door-to-Door Procurement of Paddy and Farmer Certificates Distribution for KMS

Baksa District Administration Launches Door-to-Door Procurement of Paddy and Farmer Certificates Distribution for KMS

May 2, 2023

The Baksa district administration in Assam has implemented a new strategy to support farmers in the region.

Under this initiative, the administration has distributed “Farmer certificates” to farmers at their homes, containing important details such as the name of the farmer, their landholding, and crop details. These certificates will facilitate the procurement of paddy at the Minimum Support Price (MSP) set by the government.

In addition, the district administration has launched door-to-door procurement of paddy by the Assam Food and Civil Supplies Corporation Limited (AFCSCL) for the 1st Crop KMS 2022-23 procurement season.

The administration has requested all farmers to sell their paddy at their nearby procurement centers (PPCs) and avail themselves of the MSP of Rs 2040/- per quintal set by the government.


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